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Sentara - Customer Portals


Sentara - Customer Portals

About the project

I am currently leading the revamp of the customer portal for Sentara Healthcare. The aim is to enhance the customer experience by upgrading the customer-facing portals with a new UI and improved user experience. The initiative includes creating high-fidelity wireframes and providing the engineering team with comprehensive UI design guidelines.


UX Lead

May 2023 - Present

Web and Mobile App

My Role

As the lead designer, I am responsible for creating mockups using the design system and suggesting UI enhancements. Once the stakeholders approve the mockups, I ensure high-quality development standards are maintained. This involves conducting UX QA and ensuring adherence to design components. I also lead all UX conversations with the client team, suggesting enhancements and improvements. Although specific details are under NDA, I am available to discuss my experience further via email.


The design process for this project starts with analyzing the current portal to identify areas for improvement. After this initial analysis, I design the screens with the new UI and hold regular meetings with the client to review the progress. Once the high-fidelity mockups are complete, I create quick prototypes for a final review.

The design files are then handed off to the engineering team, followed by a series of workshops to introduce them to the flow and discuss the various elements and features to consider during development. We follow an Agile process, and I actively participate in the sprints during UX QA to ensure high development standards are maintained.

The process concludes with bi-weekly demos to present the final product to the client. Although comprehensive details are under NDA, the brief outline of the process is as follows:


  1. Conducted a comprehensive analysis of the current portals.

  2. Led stakeholder meetings to align on enhancement goals.

  3. Ensured UX quality through daily check-ins.

  4. Established processes for creative QA to ensure code quality.

  5. Acted as a liaison between the engineering team and creative leadership to deliver high-quality products.

Learnings & Takeaways

  1. Managing Time and Effort

    Working within a strict Statement of Work (SOW) document required careful management of enhancements and updates to avoid impacting work and timelines.

  2. Maintaining Consistency

    Ensuring the design was consistent with Sentara's website and brand guidelines was crucial. I developed new components in the design system to support enhancement features.

  3. Communication with Engineering

    Regular communication with the engineering team was vital to maintain high code standards. Daily meetings with the Development and QA teams ensured there were no blockers, and periodic code inspections ensured consistency in component usage.